The WD-Triumph
For this website we will focus us on the War Department Triumph motorcycles from the 1937 – 1945 era. We’re aware of civilian models like the 3H and Speedtwin as well as the WD prototypes like the 3TW and 5TW which were used. We’ll stick to the 3SW, 5SW and the 3HW being the majority of the Triumph motorcycles delivered to the British Ministry of Defense.
With this website we’ll try to share details of parts as well as general information, so you are able to recognize parts and prevent you from making the same mistakes that we did when scouting for parts. Throughout the years we’ve encountered some challenges with wear and tear parts for which we’ve found solutions. Sharing these solutions will either way provide you with a solution or another view of how it could be resolved. In the end we would like you to enjoy these great bikes and keep them on the road as best as possible.
If you have any questions, remarks or additional information, please let us know, so it can be shared.